Forest Fires


Over the past decade the news has increased their coverage on forest fires making more people aware of their destruction. Because of this the devastation that these fires bring are shared globally. This allows for us to share stories and images through social media. Though we are more informed that forest fires are happening and where we may not know what we can do to help.

Some causes of forest fires are likely mining for fossil fuels, clearing land for plantations, improper campfires, and dry brush or ground coverage due to drought. A large part of preventing forest fires requires proper education and legal battles. Many fires, especially those in Central and South America, are deliberately made. They are meant to clear the forest for mining or building plantations.

Forest fires are a complex system, causing loss of homes and high animal fatalities. Many people are evacuated from their homes losing all of their belongings and family heirlooms, they become homeless. In less developed or remote communities sometimes evacuation isn’t an option. In many cases, people become unaccounted for or get killed.

Animal losses are catastrophic from forest fires. They not only lose their home, but in most cases are not able to make it out of the forest in time. Quite often, they are left to starvation if they do survive the fire. There are many organizations that help rescue animals and good samaritan who also take action to help animals in need.

Another large factor is the loss of forests themselves. Forests, no matter what type, are complex self run systems that absorb 30% of the worlds CO2 emissions each year. Without them climate change would cause even more disturbances to our ecosystem than it already has.

Organizations to Watch:

Additional ways to help is to lower your carbon footprint. One way is by depending less on fossil fuels and instead use alternative forms of energy. If you can’t donate money, you can donate time by volunteering locally if larger organization are not in need of volunteers. You can work with local environmental organizations that might be fighting the legalities of forest fires, bring awareness to your communities, or gathering supplies to send to small rescues near forest fires.

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